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Our focus is on providing businesses with the exposure that they need to thrive. TJW Enterprises, LLC. is dedicated to providing high-quality media and networking opportunities that are beneficial for all involved. We understand that today's world is constantly changing, which is why we offer podcast guest and co-host features, social media and website spotlights, retail products, and partnership opportunities. Our goal is to provide value to our clients while increasing their impact in the market.

Beauty Vlogger
Books On Shelf


Faith, Focus & Finish Strong

Look Who's Writing...An Author's Voice

The Truth of the Matter

TJ Presents...

Conversations with Queens

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The Queen Series Spotlight honors women who are doing great things in business, ministry, and the community.  They give of themselves selflessly for the sake of others.  It's not that they do not have challenges like all of us but they choose to adapt, overcome, and persevere.  Help us celebrate these phenomenal women by supporting, following, and connecting with them.  

The Relationship Lounge

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The Relationship Lounge is a show centered around discussions about relationships.  This is a platform that will provide real, open and honest dialogue between men and women that will tackle common and controversial topics related to love, marriage, divorce, singleness and anything in between.

Look Who's Writing...An Author's Voice

The Truth of the Matter


An Author's Voice is an intimate conversation with host TJ Woodard to discuss the author's process, the story they have decided to tell and provide an inside scoop of what's to come.  It is giving the readers and listeners an opportunity to get inside the author's head and hear the voice behind the words on the page.

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The Truth of the Matter is a show that brings real topics and controversial but transparent conversations about life, religion, family, relationships and more.  Our saying is Your Truth, My Truth, God's Truth and we believe that God's truth is the only TRUTH that matters.  Although we have our own opinions, desires, and experiences, it is God who has the final say so and not depending on Him can come with costly consequences.  The authentic testimonies that you will hear, we believe will be impactful and transformational.  If you're ready...TUNE IN TO FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!

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